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  • Corpbasics Fitness
    Corpbasics Fitness

Staying Motivated

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Corpbasics Infomercial

Knowing the right fitness moves is only part of the equation. Getting & staying fit requires a fitness routine compelling enough to keep you motivated. At Corpbasics’ we make exercising fun. Our music will keep you going, our instructors will keep you laughing and the hour will fly by. We also pride ourselves on fostering a strong sense of community among our clients. By being in a small workout environment, our clients get to know and support one another. And what better way to stay motivated than to workout with like-minded, friendly people, be it in a group class or a fitness training program

Get Corpbasics certified through the American Council of Exercise.

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Get Corpbasics certified through the American Council of Exercise.



Why You'll Love Corpbasics

There are so many reasons to love Corpbasics! Here are 5 of the reasons our happy clients give us as an answer to why...


Why Clients Love Us

Cardio KIX Takes Fitness to a Whole New Level

"The new Cardio KIX routine takes it up to a whole new level ... I truly enjoy all of the Corpbasics classes offered at Super Fitness Malden (SFM), and your great, knowledgeable instructors.